On to the Book Review:
Up for today: Across the Universe by Beth Revis

Why I bought it? I didn't although I do have it pre-ordered through Amazon and still plan to get that one when it comes out, because I want the hardback. I think I entered every contest there was to win the ARC, and eventually Penguin sent me one. Woohoo! Persistence pays off sometimes.
Synopsis/Setup: Amy is cryogenically frozen with her parents for a 300 year journey across the universe. She is awakened and almost killed 50 years before the arrival date. When one of the other frozens ends up unplugged and dead, Amy and Elder, the cute, rebellious leader in training on the spaceship, work to uncover the truth before anyone else is killed.
What I thought? The sample first chapter that Beth Revis provides here hooked me so much that I did my best to get an ARC. I "couldn't" wait for the January release. 1-11-11. I was not disappointed. The rest of the book delivers what chapter one promises. It was a gripping ride. Gripping, I tell you! I was completely swept along with Amy and Elder's tale. It was seriously one of the hardest to put down books I've read in a long time. Plus, there is a lot of depth and richness to these characters. No cardboard cutouts here. And the twists and turns of the plot! I was prepared for them but totally didn't see them coming, and that was incredibly refreshing.
My Rating: *****, Yep that's right folks. 5 stars. I haven't given one of those in a while, but this book had me so entertained I can't give it less.
Cleanness Score: 6 out of 10, There is a little bit of mild language and violence (as you would expect in a murder mystery), but this score is mostly for some sexual situations that take place on the ship around Amy and Elder in one part of the story. They are integral to the plot and described in a more clinical way, but some parents may object. If you are a very conservative parent, you may want to read it first. I definitely wouldn't give it to my 10 year old. This is more of a PG-13 read.
Yippee! I have a comments link again!
This is definitely on my TBR list. I haven't read the first chapter. I'm going to wait. :D
My heart did a little flip when I saw that you were reviewing this book, because I thought it was out. Can't wait until January.
I cannot wait to read this book! Your review made me even more excited!
Thank you so much for your review Lois!! :::beaming:::
I'm excited to get this book! I've been following beth for some time, and I don't think I have any clue what her fiction writing is like!
Have a contest! Have a contest! I want to win it!
NICE!! I *so* want to read this book. Thanks for the awesome review that just has me even more excited!
(and congrats on scoring a freebie!)
I can't wait to read this book. It's been on my list since I heard it was coming out.
Stina, I don't know how you kept from reading that first chapter.
Patti, Sorry about the heart flipping.
Anna, The hype is all true.
Beth, You are welcome! You wrote an amazing book. What else can I say? Beam away. You've earned it.
Domey, You should check out the sample. It's the whole first chapter.
Samantha, I'm saving it right now for my daughter to read. Maybe after that I'll have a contest. I'll think about it. I have some nieces that want to read it, too, so I may have to let them get their turn. That's not going to help you much though.
ali, Thanks. I still plan on buying it when it comes out in hardback.
Susan, It won't be long now.
I'm so looking forward to this book--glad to see that you've reviewed it! So far it seems as though it's getting good buzz, although I've just been burned by a book that got great buzz that I didn't find that compelling. So I'm going to be cautious for a while about the hyped ones.
That said... I can't really resist this one. I really want to read it.
I'm so excited for Beth and have heard great things about this novel.
I can't wait to read Beth's book! I wish I could get my hands on a dozen copies now, I'd give them away for Christmas. Glad to see you gave it 5 stars!
I can't wait to read Across the Universe- she's getting so much hype about this book, and all I'm hearing is great stuff about it.
Meagan, I'm sorry you got burned. That's happened to me before, too, and it's extra disappointing when it's something you were really excited for. I'd be surprised if you are let down by this one.
Tess, Yeah. I'm so excited for Beth too. She's good people.
T. Anne, Yeah. It'd be a great Christmas gift. All I can do is share the one I've got with family and friends.
Abby, It's a great read. I suppose I'm another witness for Team Beth.
Sounds great! I can't wait to read this book!
Wow, that sounds good! I love a book that I can't put down...that's the thing I most hope people say about my books someday.
I just can't wait to read this one. Everything about it's been calling to me since I first started hearing about it. Come ooooon January!
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