(Taken at the WWII Memorial in Annapolis, MD)
It's always been an extra celebrated day in my house. I have a brother whose birthday is November 11 and an uncle as well. I have many relatives who have served in the armed services. (My father being one.) I have an uncle who died in WWII, one who died as a result of injuries sustained in WWII, and other uncles injured in WWII and Korea. Okay. I'll grant you I had a lot of uncles. My father had 5 brothers and 2 sisters. 4 brothers and one sister (as a nurse) served in WWII. Odds were pretty high that someone would be lost, and someone was.
It's interesting that I never knew how he died until a couple years ago. No one wanted to talk about it, and the only reason my father finally did talk about it was that he didn't want his sacrifice lost to posterity. If you are interested, last year around Veteran's Day I posted about one uncle who told us how he was shot in the war. He totally lied. Here's that post.
In my home we always honored veterans, especially from our family. The sacrifices they made and make for us fill me with wonder. I'm grateful for those who saved us from the likes of Hitler and continue working to make this world a safer place to live.
No matter what our politics we should honor those who give their time and talents and sometimes their lives to keep us safe.
Bless you, Veterans! You are a wonder.
Big hugs to your family! I'm so thankful for people like them!
I, too, am grateful for those who have and continue to sacrifice for our country. Thank you.
Wow, Lois, all this is quite fascinating. The idea of being in a war is just beyond my imagination. In my writer's group, we have one man who served in WWII, and he has written a series of beautiful memoirs about it. Even though the first one was self-published, he cold over 3000 copies and travels around California doing readings. Just the experiences of that one man are amazing to me.
I don't think there is enough gratitude in the world for those men and women who sacrifice their lives to protect ours.
*hugs* Thank you to your family and to every family that sacrifices so much. :o)
I love these days - when we focus on family and sacrifice and show our gratitude. I agree w/ Davin - can't imagine serving in a war. Actually serving. Such an amazing gift that these soldiers have and continue to give us.
Great post. Happy Veteran's Day/Armistice Day.
What a great post, and what an amazing legacy of your family fighting for our country.
I went to the Veterans Day event at my son's school today and loved every bit of it. It just invokes suck emotion.
(and I, too, have a ton of uncles. And aunts. Large, large Catholic families on both sides).
What a privilege to pause and say thanks to all the wonderfully brave people who stand tall for our freedoms.
Amen. This Veteran's day is especially poignant with the recent shooting at Fort Hood. My thoughts and prayers are always with those who are in harms way for our sake.
Amen to that!!! Well said!
Your post is highly appropriate to the new writing project I'm starting on the South African Border War of the 80's(more about that on my next blog post due 15/11)(see how my blog schedule is working :):)!!)
Loved the photo of the veteran's wall!
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